1 minute read


Based on the machine learning canvas, I wrote down a hypothesis test canvas to clarify what hypothesis we are testing, what data is employed and how the results of test will be used.

  Context Value Proposition Data Sources
Idea Who will use / be affect by the conclusion of test? What are we trying to test? Where can we get data from?
  A: A: A:
Specs Hypothesis Evaluation Dataset
  What is the null hypothesis? How we verify the quality of data used to verify the hypothesis? How do we build the table?
  A: A: A:
  What is the alternative hypothesis?   Who has knowledge about the data?
  A:   A:
  What is the statistical test employed? (eg t test)   Columns (features) used
  A:   A:
  What are the statistical assumptions? (eg independence, distributions etc)    
  What is the significance level? (eg 5%)    
  What is the statistical power level? (eg 80%)    
Ops Using the results When do we rerun the test  
  When to we use the test results? When to we need to update the data and rerun the test?  
  A: A:  
  How do we use the results and confidence values?    
